Zenith Medical Equipments

20T, Palaniappa Nagar, Kalangal Road Sulur Coimbatore-641402.
Open:9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Since 1989


Zenith medical equipments was started in the year 1989. The man behind the company is Mr. N. Masilamani possesing vast experience in manufacturing and marketing of plastic medical disposables. He served as an all India sales training manager for a reputed international company. He was teaching to hundreds of medical sales and service representatives in marketing plastic medical disposables. Under his guidance zenith medical equipments manufactures and markets an array of high-quality plastic medical disposables like infusion sets and transfusion sets etc,. The company uses the best raw materials available in the country. The background medical knowledge of the founder director Mr. N. Masilamani helps to assemble flawless products which are easy to handle and safe to the suffering patients. All the products manufactured by zenith medical equipments are medically engineered. The company always aims to provide products of the high standard and safety to the patients. All the plastic medical disposable manufactured by Zenith medical equipements are continually patronised and used by majority of the corporate hospital of Tamil Nadu