Product Name
Infomedia Services is the leading Publisher of Yellowpages and a trusted print directory service provider, that has been in the directional media communications for years.
MASIMALAYAN INDUSTRIES was started in the year of 2012. It was developed by Mr.K.NITHYANANDAM, in Avarampalayam, Ganapathy Post, Coimbatore.
In the beginning stage we produced domestic pumps in quality and sold in Tamilnadu, Kerla and Karnataka.
Currently we are producing and selling domestic pumps, Agriculture Pumps, Openwell Pumps, Submersible Pumps, V-4 Pumps, V-6 Pumps, Compressors. Now we are well settled position in market.
MASIMALAYAN INDUSTRIES producing as per clients requirements needed.
Infomedia Services is the leading Publisher of Yellowpages and a trusted print directory service provider, that has been in the directional media communications for years.